Monday, August 1, 2011

Song of the Day: Foster The People- "Pumped Up Kicks"

So this song has slowly crossed over from the Alternative scene and has now broken into the iTunes Top 10, and reached #29 on the Billboard chart.  You certainly won't hear anything else like it on Top 40 radio right now.  But although it's different, it's mostly just more boring than most other pop music out right now.  It doesn't hold up well on repeated listening.  So although I respect Foster The People and I hope to see more breakout alternative acts soon, I also hope this is the last we hear of them.

Do you agree?  Or do you wanna Kick me in my Pumped Up head?  Leave a comment and let me know!


  1. No. This is ridiculous Jack. You respect them, but hope never to hear from them again? Is their music really that painful to your auditory system that you want them to go away forever?

    C'mon, diversity (at least in the Top 40) is ideal. FTP's debut is quite infectious to say the least - if anything, it holds up better after repeated listens. But I'm an album guy - I like to listen to more than of an artist's songs before making a judgement.

    Pure pop gold. Top 40 needs groups like this.

  2. I do respect them, and I hope to hear more alternative "real" music in the Top 40. But I just don't like Foster The People- I think their music is bland and I'm rather shocked to see how much appeal they have. "Pop gold" is beyond a stretch for them, more like "pop limestone"- sure it's a bit different, but why does that mean anyone should care?

    I realize the analogy is also a stretch; it's late and I'm just trying to prove a point.
