Friday, August 12, 2011

Song of the Day: Drake- "Headlines"

It's Friday, so I had to leave you with the hottest hit of the week, even though it doesn't have a music video yet.  This song was only released on Tuesday, but it's been sitting at #2 on iTunes since almost the moment of its release.  I still maintain that Drake's best song was his debut single, "Best I Ever Had," (one of the greatest music videos of the last decade too) but this is certainly in the mix as one of his best tracks to date.  The real question, though, is what happens to a song like this now?  Will it get picked up by radio stations and have longevity, or will it be one of those promotional singles that has about a one-week lifespan? My guess is the former, but Drake is a fairly prolific artist, so by next week we could have a totally new Drake single to get excited about, and forget this one even existed.  Such is the music industry in 2011.

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