Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Song Of The Day: The Rej3ctz- "Cat Daddy"

Most of the songs featured on this blog can more or less be described as "guilty pleasures."  Which is why for me to actually specify that a certain song is a true guilty pleasure, must mean that song is really, really dumb.  But I have the softest of soft spots for jams like this.  The artistry involved here is negligible, but that's not the point.  The point is that they rap about Spongebob, do a dance that incorporates a pantomime wheelchair-rolling, and, best of all, elaborate that they're "In the club, all black, goin' Akon."  Not to mention they're dressed like complete goons*.  Just impossible not to love something like this.

*Yes, that's Goons, with a G.  Nothing else.  Come at me, NAACP.  I dare you.

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