Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Song Of The Day: Adele- "Set Fire To The Rain"

I already sort-of reviewed this one on my Top Songs of the First Half of 2011 column back in June, and although it's been released a single now, it still doesn't have an official music video for me to post for your viewing pleasure.  However, its suddenly quick rise up the charts makes it impossible for me to ignore it any longer.

According to its Wikipedia page, some "critics" didn't like "Set Fire To The Rain."  Some even thought it was the worst song on Adele's Grammy-nominated sophomore album 21.  Some, though, have their heads screwed on straight, and realize it's in fact the best song on the album, by far.  On no other song (except, perhaps, "Ill Be Waiting"), does the production value match Adele's voice. 

That's not to say this song is overproduced, but it hits you from all angles, rather than from just a vocal one.  Anyone who thinks this song is overproduced needs to get down from off their high horse and recognize it as both the catchiest and most powerful song on the album.  I sincerely hope Adele's third album is focused more on songs like this and less on songs like "Someone Like You."  Actually, I just hope she's able to record a third album at all.  Be thankful for what you've got, people.

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