Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Song Of The Day: Lana Del Rey- "Born To Die"

This is currently the free song of the week on iTunes, so if you like it, go get it!  Or you could just get it for free online like most people...

Anyway, I can't decide how I feel about this song, video, or artist.  The song is a little slow, but her voice is undeniable.  The video is melodramatic, but it's sufficiently emotional and captivating that my attention didn't sway one bit while I watched it, even though not a whole lot was happening.  In fact, that's how I feel about the song too- it holds my attention even though there's not a lot going on.  Which I guess is the mark of successful artistry. 

As for the artist herself, Lana Del Rey has been considered the "next big thing" in the indie-pop scene for a while now.  However, it's unclear to me how much of her image has been constructed by her and how much of it has been constructed for her by industry people.  In other words, if this is successful artistry, I don't know whether I should be giving her the credit or if I should be giving it to somebody else.  Either way, I guess I give this song a hesitant thumbs-up.  So, uh, go buy it!

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