Sunday, December 31, 2017

Top 20 Best Songs of 2017- Billboard Hot 100 Edition

Congratulations! You made it to the end of 2017. Do you remember all of the songs that hit the Billboard charts this year? Of course you don’t, neither do I, that would be impossible. Luckily, the folks at Billboard make our job a little easier by giving us the Top 100 songs of the entire year (technically only through November 25 though), and I make your job a little easier by ranking my top 20 favorites out of those 100, so that all you really need to remember 2017 by is these 20 songs.
While 2017 was a big year for Ed Sheeran, Imagine Dragons, Post Malone and Lil Uzi Vert, you won’t find any of them on this year’s rankings. But you will find some seriously great music, as well as some songs you might hate. But in the timeless words of the great 50 Cent, if they hate, let ‘em hate, and watch the money pile up! Here’s the list, with links to Youtube videos in the titles and a full Spotify playlist at the bottom for those who prefer listening to reading or viewing. Now it’s time to roll on into 2018!
Believe it or not, this is the inaugural appearance for Kendrick Lamar on this list. That is due to both his failure to hit the Billboard year-end charts with many of his previous singles, and also my lack of enthusiasm for the songs he was able to chart with in the past. “Humble” is simple, it features a piano beat, and it’s easy to quote (and misquote). That gives it just enough juice to sneak onto list at #20. Maybe we’ll see more Kendrick in the future if he can recreate his success with “Humble.” Biyombo!
This song came out way back in September 2016, but it only hit the charts in what Billboard considers 2017, so it qualified for this year’s list. Rae Sremmurd got lucky that this song became the soundtrack to the Mannequin Challenge, but they say you make your own luck, and “Black Beatles” has something about it that makes it hard to hate. I doubt they know much about the real Beatles, other than that they were almost as big a deal as Rae Sremmurd, but the Mike Will beat and Gucci Mane saying “skrippers” were enough to land it at #19.
No one will ever top Kid Creole, or Outkast, but this is probably the #3 song about a Caroline I’ve heard. It’s delightfully lo-fi and honestly, pretty innocent compared to most hip-hop that came out in 2017. The video matches and actually enhances those themes and makes it impossible not to like AminĂ©. I really hope we see more of them in the future because they deserve success.
17. Childish Gambino-"Redbone":                 
I never thought I’d see Childish Gambino on this list but he’s earned it, not just as a Lifetime Achievement award (cough, Kendrick Lamar, cough) but also because “Redbone” is a legitimately great song. I’m not sure what genre it really falls into but that’s OK, it’s a pleasant listen for many moods. It really refuses to be categorized, I guess. I hear it was also used in the movie “Get Out” but I didn’t see that so I can’t really comment on its usage there. The beat will stand the test of time no matter what though.
16. Adele- "Water Under the Bridge":                 
Talk about an old song- this one came out in June 2016 but somehow snuck onto the 2017 Billboard year-end chart so I’m allowed to include and you’re now reading about it in 2018 (or late 2017). It was the best song on 25 in my opinion, so I was thrilled to hear it getting airplay. it reminded me a bit of “Set Fire To The Rain” from 21, which was the best song on that album as well. I guess I have a type of Favorite Adele Song...Wall Of Sound.
After an extremely lo-fi video and then 2 songs with no video, we head back to the world of massive budgets and visual fantasies with Katy Perry. I know this song and video are meant to be subtlely political but all that was lost on me. I just thought the song sounded great, a quintessential mellowed-out Katy Perry party jam, and the video made me want to visit that awesome theme park. I guess I like running on hamster wheels, watching 3D movies with my nuclear family, and pretending I have no problems! Cool!                 
This was a song that sounded good that was released in 2017. I never gave a second thought, but I also never thought for a second that it wouldn’t make this list. It’s too up my alley to do anything else. Poppy EDM beat, catchy vocals, 3 and a half minutes long, chorus, 2 verses, and a bridge, what more can you ask for in a pop song? Number 14 is a perfect landing spot for it. The end of the video is a major bummer, though. I hope Zedd’s OK so he can keep pumping out songs like this for the rest of the decade.
This is the first of 2 Calvin Harris songs on this list, both from his fantastic album Funk Wav Bounces Vol. 1. Following his breakup with Taylor Swift (but quite possible un-influenced by it, I admit), Calvin decided to fully merge the EDM, pop, and and hip-hop worlds by inviting basically every major rapper to feature on his album in some capacity. This one features the bizarre trio of Pharrell, Katy Perry, and Big Sean, but not surprisingly, it works, because Calvin’s funk beats keep the whole thing tied together.
Look, I have a lot of opinions about the Chainsmokers, and the critical reception their debut full-length album got when it was released this year. It’s way too much to include in a one-paragraph writeup of one song. All I can say is that, like “Stay,” I don’t think “Paris” will necessarily be a song I seek out in the future, but when I wanted to listen to music in 2017, and it came on, I thought it sounded a lot nicer than most everything else, and that’s how you get to #12. It’s a nice-sounding song that shouldn’t, couldn’t POSSIBLY offend anyone...right?
This was not the best Kygo song of the year, but it was the best one that apparently got any radio play. Yes, I assume that like any track sung by Selena Gomez, it’s about Justin Bieber, but I acknowledge that we don’t necessarily know that for sure. Nevertheless, somebody in her life has clearly wronged her, and when Kygo pairs those vocal effects with one of his typically playful and intoxicating beats, the end result is a song that stands up no matter how many times you hear it, which I admit was a lot for me this year. I do question if she’s ever had a whiskey neat before, though. Nasty stuff, really.
Did Portugal. The Man singlehandedly bring back pop-radio-viable alternative music in 2017 with this song? It’s too early to say, but I certainly hope so. I’ve missed hearing this genre, although to be fair it houses an enormous range of sounds. And I can’t imagine that they ever imagined they’d get as much success as they did with “Feel It Still.” For a band to wallow in relative obscurity, unknown to all but their own fans, for ten years, and then blast onto the scene like this is almost unheard-of. “Feel It Still” was the underdog hit of the year, which helped make me a huge fan. I hope it’s a sign of things to come in 2018.
“Slide” was the lead single that announced Calvin Harris’ return to our eardrums in 2017. To be honest, I wasn’t quite sure what I thought at first, but after a couple listens I decided I was on board with the new sound (same as the old sound, really). Having Frank Ocean on vocals really helps, too. Funk/disco will never go out of style, I’ve decided. And thank goodness for that.
If I made these rankings solely based on music videos, I’d probably have no choice to put “Havana” at number 1, considering it was one of the few videos this year to last longer than the song and actually attempt to tell a story, even if it was a little half-baked. But instead, I’ll put it here at #8, which has often been reserved for surprisingly electric pure pop perfection. With its timely Cuban theme and obligatory Young Thug verse, Camila Cabello grabs the #8 spot this year with both hands and doesn’t let go. “Havana” is probably the catchiest song of 2017.
If we were doing the rankings based on music videos, well...this one would be #2 I guess, given what I just said above. But anytime you go abroad to film on-location somewhere unusual, I have to give major points. Even if the video is completely, totally incongruous with the music backing it up. But it’s fun to watch, which is all that really matters. And the Caribbean beat is perfect, even though it was inescapable this year. My only complaint is that French Montana seems almost...awkward in this video? Everyone else looks a lot more comfortable than him dancing on a dirt road in Uganda. Not sure what that says...
Look, Maroon 5 messed up royally with their latest album title, Red Pill Blues. And people hate them enough already. But the fact is, Adam Levine’s been ubiquitously soundtracking our lives for the last 15 years straight, which is an astonishing run for anyone, let alone a band that seems to have 10 times more haters than diehard fans. I’ll always count myself as a fan, though, even though I have no idea what the rest of the band does at this point other than collect royalty checks. This song is undeniably catchy, though, and the rest of the album is surprisingly solid, too, so I guess Maroon 5 are sticking around for another few years, like it or not.
5. Drake- "Passionfruit":
I hate Drake for thinking that he’s better than everyone else and not putting his music on Youtube. I hate his pretentiousness and occasional mealy-mouthed emotional warbling. But I have to respect his ability to make an absolutely incredible song once every few years. “Passionfruit” just never got old this year. It came out early in the year and, even though it was never intended to be a single, was the obvious standout song on his album and thus just kept climbing the charts. It’s one of those songs that fits every mood- somber, reflective, focused, jamming, everything except hardcore raging really. But I don’t do much of that anymore so it fits every mood i need it to. And thus, it lands at #5.
I have to be honest, I never thought DJ Khaled would have another hit at this point in his career. But after getting stranded on his boat and recording the whole thing on Snapchat, his career had a most unlikely revival. He was able to get Rihanna on this song and the rest is history. I wasn’t sure if “Wild Thoughts” deserved such a high spot, but then I remembered it had references to the 1969 New York Jets, Usain Bolt, and Waterboy Bobby Boucher, and I had no choice to give it #4. Rihanna claims spots like these as her birthright at this point.

Anyone who knows me knows I love Clean Bandit as if they were my own children, so I acknowledge that “Rockabye” being ranked so high smacks of bias. I don’t really have much of a rebuttal for that, but I do think it deserves to be ranked #3 on its merits.  Getting Sean Paul to rap earnestly about “daily struggle” is fantastic tongue-in-cheek genius, and Anne-Marie’s vocals soar over the whole thing perfectly. My only gripe is that there’s not enough violin and cello, and so I have a bad feeling that their second album, whenever it finally drops, will be disappointingly electronic, and lose a bit of the classical/pop blend that made Clean Bandit so enchanting in the first place. But that’s splitting hairs- “Rockabye” was one of the best pop songs of 2017, bar none.
OK, I am a little frustrated that all these songs that debuted in fall 2016 had to wait until 2017 to be included in this chart. “24K Magic” is a 2016 song, as was “Rockabye” and several others on this list. But, rules are rules, and Bruno had to wait his turn to be featured. Now it’s time. “24K Magic” is a perfect pop song. It reminds me of “Happy” by Pharrell; how can you ever get sick of it? It’s Vegas excess with a dash of old-school funky flair and falsetto. You look at Bruno Mars having fun and all you want to do is have fun with him, which makes “24K Magic” not just the best party song of the year, but one of the best in recent memory. No one does it quite like him.
Well, we’ve arrived at #1, and really, the Chainsmokers and Coldplay were the leaders in the clubhouse for most of the year. “Something Just Like This” represents a best-case scenario for what could happen if these two acts teamed up. It mixes playful lyrics, heartstring-tugging chords and melodies, and just enough oomph to get you going no matter what you’re doing. Many may disagree, but to me 2017 will be defined by “Something Just Like This”. It may be the last real hurrah for both of these acts (I know the haters will salivate at that thought) but if it is, they went out with quite a bang.
And there you have it, the top 20 best songs of 2017 (Billboard Hot 100 edition). It’s been a wild ride of a year, and I have a feeling 2018 will be even more so, but I was glad to have a soundtrack that kept me sane and grounded, and these 20 songs made up a sizable percentage of that soundtrack. Music is a constant, and as long as pop music is a constant in my life, this list will be a constant in yours. Happy New Year! See you in 2018.

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