Well, we’ve arrived at the end of 2012, which means it’s
time to look back on the year that was in pop music, and attempt to count down
the best of the hit music that graced our radios, iPods, and whatever strange
newfangled music-listening methods the kids are using these days. It was a big year for Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift, Kelly Clarkson, Pink, Flo Rida, and Ke$ha, and we were introduced to sensations like One Direction, PSY, and Carly Rae, but you won’t find any of them on
this year’s list, because, frankly, their music annoyed me, and it’s MY list and I get to make the rules. So, without further ado, here’s my
definitive list of the best of the year’s biggest hits:
*The following songs were all included in Billboard Magazine's Year-End Top 100 chart for 2012. If a song wasn't included in the chart, it wasn't eligible for my list either.